Package 'rsoi'

Title: Import Various Northern and Southern Hemisphere Climate Indices
Description: Downloads Southern Oscillation Index, Oceanic Nino Index, North Pacific Gyre Oscillation data, North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation. Data sources are described in the help files for each function.
Authors: Sam Albers [aut, cre], Elio Campitelli [ctb]
Maintainer: Sam Albers <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.5.5
Built: 2024-09-27 02:42:38 UTC

Help Index

Download Antarctic Oscillation data


Projection of the monthly 700 hPa anomaly height field south of 20°S on the first EOF obtained from the monthly 700 hPa height anomaly.


download_aao(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Month: Month of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • AAO: Antarctic Oscillation



## Not run: 
aao <- download_aao()

## End(Not run)

Download Arctic Oscillation data


Projection of the daily 1000 hPa anomaly height field north of 20°N on the first EOF obtained from the monthly 1000 hPa height anomaly.


download_ao(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Month: Month of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • AO: Arctic Oscillation



## Not run: 
ao <- download_ao()

## End(Not run)

Download Asymmetric and Symmetric SAM indices


The Asymmetric and Symmetric SAM indices are computed as the projection of geopotential height anomalies onto the zonally asymmetric and zonally symmetric parts of the SAM field. The detailed methodology can be found in Campitelli et al. (2022). The source of the data is


download_asymsam_monthly(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)

download_asymsam_daily(levels = 700, use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


atmospheric levels in hPa to download. If "all" download all available levels. Available levels are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 775, 800, 825, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975 and 1000.


  • Lev: Atmospheric level in hPa

  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Index: Type of index. Either "sam", "ssam" or "asam".

  • Value: Value of the index

  • Value_normalized: Value of the index normalized by the standard deviation of the index

  • R.squared: The variance explained by the index (only in the daily version)


Campitelli, E., Díaz, L. B., & Vera, C. (2022). Assessment of zonally symmetric and asymmetric components of the Southern Annular Mode using a novel approach. Climate Dynamics, 58(1), 161–178.


## Not run: 
asymsam <- download_asymsam_monthly()

## End(Not run)

Download Dipole Mode Index (DMI)


Intensity of the IOD is represented by anomalous SST gradient between the western equatorial Indian Ocean (50E-70E and 10S-10N) and the south eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (90E-110E and 10S-0N). This gradient is named as Dipole Mode Index (DMI). When the DMI is positive then, the phenomenon is refereed as the positive IOD and when it is negative, it is refereed as negative IOD.


download_dmi(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Year: Year of record

  • Month: Month of record

  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • DMI: Dipole Mode Index



## Not run: 
dmi <- download_dmi()

## End(Not run)

Download Southern Oscillation Index and Oceanic Nino Index data


The Southern Oscillation Index is defined as the standardized difference between barometric readings at Darwin, Australia and Tahiti. The Oceanic Nino Index is average sea surface temperature in the Nino 3.4 region (120W to 170W) averaged over three months. Phases are categorized by Oceanic Nino Index:

  • Warm phase of El Nino/ Southern Oscillation when 3-month average sea-surface temperature departure of positive 0.5 degC

  • Cool phase of La Nina/ Southern Oscillation when 3-month average sea-surface temperature departure of negative 0.5 degC

  • Neutral phase is defined as when the three month temperature average is between +0.5 and -0.5 degC


download_enso(climate_idx = c("all", "soi", "oni", "npgo"), create_csv = FALSE)



Choose which ENSO related climate index to output. Current arguments supported are soi (the Southern Oscillation Index), oni (the Oceanic Nino Index), npgo (the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation) and all. all outputs each supported index variable as a slimmer dataset than each individual climate index call.


Logical option to create a local copy of the data. Defaults to FALSE.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Month: Month of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • ONI: Oceanic Oscillation Index

  • phase: ENSO phase

  • SOI: Southern Oscillation Index

  • NPGO: North Pacific Gyre Oscillation


## Not run: 
enso <- download_enso()

## End(Not run)

Download Multivariate ENSO Index Version 2 (MEI.v2)


MEI.v2 is based on EOF analysis of level pressure, sea surface temperature, surface zonal winds, surface meridional winds, and Outgoing Longwave Radiation. The analysis is conducted for 12 partially overlapping 2-month "seasons".

Warm phase is defined as MEI index greater or equal to 0.5. Cold phase is defined as MEI index lesser or equal to -0.5.


download_mei(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Month: Bi-moonthly season of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • MEI: Multivariate ENSO Index Version 2

  • Phase: ENSO phase



## Not run: 
mei <- download_mei()

## End(Not run)

Download North Atlantic Oscillation data


surface sea-level pressure difference between the Subtropical (Azores) High and the Subpolar Low.


download_nao(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Month: Month of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • NAO: North Atlantic Oscillation



## Not run: 
nao <- download_nao()

## End(Not run)

Download North Pacific Gyre Oscillation data


North Pacific Gyre Oscillation data also known as the Victoria mode


download_npgo(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Year: Year of Record

  • Month: Month of record

  • NPGO: North Pacific Gyre Oscillation



## Not run: 
npgo <- download_npgo()

## End(Not run)

Download Oceanic Nino Index data


The Oceanic Nino Index is average sea surface temperature in the Nino 3.4 region (120W to 170W) averaged over three months. Phases are categorized by Oceanic Nino Index:

  • Warm phase of El Nino/ Southern Oscillation when 3-month average sea-surface temperature departure of positive 0.5 degC

  • Cool phase of La Nina/ Southern Oscillation when 3-month average sea-surface temperature departure of negative 0.5 degC

  • Neutral phase is defined as when the three month temperature average is between +0.5 and -0.5 degC


download_oni(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Month: Month of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • ONI: Oneanic Oscillation Index

  • ONI_month_window: 3 month period over which the Oneanic Oscillation Index is calculated

  • phase: ENSO phase



## Not run: 
oni <- download_oni()

## End(Not run)

Download Pacific Decadal Oscillation Data


The PDO index is derived as the leading principal of monthly SST anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean, poleward of 20N. The monthly mean global average SST anomalies are removed to separate this pattern of variability from any "global warming" signal that may be present in the data.

The NCEI PDO index is based on NOAA's extended reconstruction of SSTs (ERSST Version 4). It is constructed by regressing the ERSST anomalies against the Mantua PDO index for their overlap period, to compute a PDO regression map for the North Pacific ERSST anomalies. The ERSST anomalies are then projected onto that map to compute the NCEI index. The NCEI PDO index closely follows the Mantua PDO index.


download_pdo(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Month: Month of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • PDO: Pacific Decadal Oscillation index


Original PDO:


## Not run: 
pdo <- download_pdo()

## End(Not run)

Download Southern Oscillation Index data


The Southern Oscillation Index is defined as the standardized difference between barometric readings at Darwin, Australia and Tahiti.


download_soi(use_cache = FALSE, file = NULL)



logical option to save and load from cache. If 'TRUE', results will be cached in memory if 'file' is 'NULL' or on disk if 'file' is not 'NULL'.


optional character with the full path of a file to save the data. If 'cache' is 'FALSE' but 'file' is not 'NULL', the results will be downloaded from the internet and saved on disk.


  • Date: Date object that uses the first of the month as a placeholder. Date formatted as date on the first of the month because R only supports one partial of date time

  • Month: Month of record

  • Year: Year of record

  • SOI: Southern Oscillation Index

  • SOI_3MON_AVG: 3 Month Average Southern Oscillation Index



## Not run: 
soi <- download_soi()

## End(Not run)